The touch of gold in Italo Bassi’s latest restaurant
Some people like to group by colors, others like to group by occasions or season. You start reaching for items with muscle memory rather than with a fresh eye.
Some people like to group by colors, others like to group by occasions or season. You start reaching for items with muscle memory rather than with a fresh eye.
Heat sinks are typically made of aluminum or copper and have fins or pins that work to expedite the heat transfer to the surrounding fluid.
We know what heat sinks do, but why do we actually need them? Is there really a problem with components getting hot? The answer is definitely YES.
Flower pots enliven the atmosphere and add to the charming personality of this place. The integrated kitchen units in black provide an interesting contrast with the white walls.
The most recent ORC season finished up in April, and it resulted in some of the prettiest rooms we’ve seen yet. Here’s a recap of our favorite modern spaces from the One Room Challenge.